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Scoop.it search for Media - Today, 4:09 AM
Why Bother With Content Curation?
Some people say content curation is useless, but I disagree. When done properly, it can actually demonstrate your expertise to your target audience.
...I was reading a blog post the other day that declared that content curation does nothing for the curator, their SEO or their traffic. As the author of the post doesn’t appear to curate very much at all, I wondered how they came to that conclusion?
What is curated content?
Content curation means pulling together content from various sources and presenting it to the reader in your own unique way. It’s a step beyond the normal list post or an effective link post.
It may be easier to understand content curation by defining what it is not: Content curation doesn’t mean presenting a list of stories or a weekly roundup of links. It’s not a simple cut and paste job where you rip off content from someone else and imagine you are presenting it in some fresh and exciting way....
Scoop.it search for Media - Today, 5:33 AM
It's Come to This: A Newsroom Devoted to Brands
NewsCred has launched a newsroom for brands seeking content marketing.
Who says no one's investing in journalism anymore?
NewsCred, a six-year-old New York-based content marketing company known for licensing articles from The Economist and the New York Times to brands, is creating its own newsroom with 500 journalists.
The writers, photographers, videographers and digital artists on contract with NewsCred will be at the disposal of brands seeking original content. The company is being selective about whom it hires. The pay is also decent: a minimum of $500 per blog post and $1,000 per article. The journalists get 100% of the fees for such articles. A NewsCred rep says the content is a value-add; the company's real business is in licensing its software platform, which a brand can use to upgrade their marketing outreach....
Google News search for Media - Today, 5:43 AM
ACC basketball media day: Virginia's Akil Mitchell talks about his growth as a ... - Washington Post
Washington Post
ACC basketball media day: Virginia's Akil Mitchell talks about his growth as a ...
Google News search for Media - Today, 4:37 AM
Does Social Media Help Videogame Developers Find Fans? It Depends on ... - AllThingsD
Does Social Media Help Videogame Developers Find Fans? It Depends on ...
But when it came to the value of social media in building a videogame's community, the buzz from industry attendees has been less unanimous.
Google News search for Media - Today, 2:17 AM
Hoops Central: Media Days Live - ESPN (blog)
Hoops Central: Media Days Live
ESPN (blog)
College basketball media days continue as the Pac-12 showcases its coaches and top players in San Francisco and the SEC continues to do so on Day 2 of its event in Alabama.
Google News search for Media - Today, 2:33 AM
Are Simple Images The Best Social Media Content? - Forbes
Are Simple Images The Best Social Media Content?
A few weeks ago in St. Louis, I was having lunch with two friends — Gabe Lozano, the CEO of LockerDome.com, and Sierra Cook, the brand manager for Anheuser-Busch's Bud Light Platinum.
Google News search for Media - Today, 6:29 AM
Dr. Manny: America, stop turning to social media for information on ObamaCare - Fox News
Dr. Manny: America, stop turning to social media for information on ObamaCare Fox News Ever since the government's partial shutdown and the official rollout of ObamaCare, many pundits in favor of the Affordable Care Act have taken to social media...
Google News search for Media - Today, 3:52 AM
Samsung Smart Media Player handles cable TV plus Netflix and YouTube ... - Engadget
Samsung Smart Media Player handles cable TV plus Netflix and YouTube ...
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 11:57 PM
Animated Videos: 5 Tools to Create Animation Videos in a Flash
Animated videos can now be created easily using software. Check out these 5 tools and save a lot of money producing these videos.
The initial idea from this post on animated videos came from Nick from List.ly. I love when people share great ideas for posts!
So here goes, here are 5 animation video tools that we have reviewed.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 10:55 PM
MediaPost Publications | Forrester Offers Seven Steps to Better Marketing
The key to the marketer's success is to focus on the needs of the customer and the benefits that can be delivered, according to a new report from Forrester.
"Focusing on consumer needs is a healthy first principle that will engender success and avoid technology-led strategies," said Forrester Analyst Anthony Mullen in a release.
Marketers must pivot their strategy from a channel-based to a needs-based approach. This will ensure that marketers focus on the benefits they can bring customers and will avoid the problem of new technologies shaping strategies too early in the process.
Mullen outlines seven steps to a needs-based marketing strategy, suggesting replacement of the concept that brand strategies are driven by how marketers can meet their own objectives with the idea that consumers' needs must drive the approach....
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 11:06 PM
Social media isn't something for doctors to take lightly
Doctors may have their bedside manner perfected, but when it comes to social media, some may need a check-up.
Physicians may not be the most eager bunch to get on social media, but Dr. Bryan Vartabedian has an argument that usually convinces docs to get active online.
Vartabedian is a self-proclaimed dispatcher “from the frontline of social media and medicine,” the pediatric gastroenterologist at Texas Children’s Hospital also considers himself a “doctor of the wild,” hunting and gathering the best sources of viral medical information.
"Some doctors say they don't have the time or they don't see the value (and) they can't see any reason why they should have a public presence," Vartabedian said. "One thing that reaches out and grabs them is that it is very likely there are conversations happening around them in the public space."
Reputation management is a big deal for docs, he said, and while it's impossible to control the public conversation, physicians can create content that allows Google searchers to understand who they are.
"The only way you combat reviews you don't like is creating content people will see about you," he said. "The best way to do that is a basic LinkedIn profile."
A decent LinkedIn profile — complete with a biography and good photo — can begin to show up on the first page of a Google search within a couple of weeks, he said.
For the more ambitious, Vartabedian recommends creating or contributing to reputable blogs.
Staff members who don't want to set up their own blog can reach out to the marketing team at their hospital or health system and pitch blogs that they'd like to write about, he said.
"You don't have to completely launch your own platform to have a presence," he said.
Small steps like this allow doctors to control the first page of a Google search, he said.
Scoop.it search for Media - Today, 12:57 AM
How is Social Media Revolutionising Healthcare?
Ten to fifteen years ago, most Internet users experienced a one-way relationship with the sites they visited; the information required would be extracted with little interaction or exchange between user and provider. The introduction of social media, however, revolutionised the way we communicate by facilitating quick and easy distribution of text, images and videos between friends.
In a field such as healthcare, at once highly complex, constantly evolving and relevant to our day-to-day lives, an effective means of communication is vital. It’s no wonder then that our first point of call for information on medical issues has extended beyond friends and practitioners in our immediate vicinity to large online communities. The more images and information uploaded to the web, the easier self diagnosis becomes through the comparison and identification of symptoms.
According to a KPMG report, out of a survey of 3,001 US adults, 80% used the Internet to access information relating to health. The use of social media for health issues, however, is far from restricted to peer-to-peer experience sharing, as an increasing number of patients receive individual services from trained physicians through social-networks or other service providers such as Skype. But could social media relations ever provide the same standard of care and attention as face-to-face visits?
Benefits for Patients
Connecting with others with in similar positions – patients diagnosed with unusual conditions can now reach out to the people across the world who can best relate to their situation, offering advice and support in a way which was previously unheard of. Several charities such as Ben’s Friends for rare diseases and Unique for chromosome disorders have been established in order to connect sufferers and let them know they are not alone. A more general network is PatientsLikeMe, where users can share information on doctors and treatments. According to a 2011 survey conducted by the site for those with epilepsy, 55% reported ‘better understanding of seizures and improved adherence to treatment’ as key results of using the site.
Helping with diagnoses – local GPs might easily fail to spot the symptoms for a rare disorder they have not encountered before. The people most familiar with a particular set of symptoms are, of course, those who already suffer from the condition. Last year, a baby was identified as suffering from a rare condition called trigonocephaly after a random stranger saw the baby’s photo on Facebook. The stranger had a son with the same condition, which, if left untreated, could result in brain damage or even death. Each doctor that examined the baby before this time had failed to reach a diagnosis.
Greater anonymity – for those suffering from an embarrassing illness or one with a degree of stigma attached, such as HIV, herpes or other STIs, speaking anonymously could be easier than with a personal connection. Online communities might also encourage users to seek treatment rather than suffer in silence.
Reduced cost and more convenience – some medical problems may be dealt with through online communication if the patient presents no physical symptoms. This is particularly applicable to mental health or follow-up patients where a relationship has already been established between patient and doctor. Virtual conversation saves both parties time and money, and may improve the quality of care due to the increased availability of healthcare professionals.
Advice on the best type of care – sites such as Amazon and Tripadvisor have demonstrated the power of reviews. Apart from shopping and travel, an increasing number of reviews posted relate to healthcare services, including treatment types, practices and medical practitioners as individuals. Although not wholly reliable, online customer reviews and comments can have a dramatic impact on the decisions made in the healthcare industry by providing details from first hand experience. Studies also show that in some cases, reviews of healthcare institutions have a direct correlation with actual patient outcomes.
Benefits for Healthcare Professionals
Connecting healthcare professionals – social media provides a useful support group for doctors to share news, ideas and experience and keep updated with the latest technologies. Healthcare networks provides opportunities to broaden practitioners knowledge and expertise, as well as material which will help doctors make informed decisions about referrals to specialists or seek advice to correctly diagnose patients.
Healthcare institutions – more and more hospitals are connecting with their patients through social media. Hospitals may post updates on services, changes in administration, healthy living campaigns, news articles about advances in healthcare or information about charitable donations. It is hoped this approach will help build stronger relationships between healthcare providers and patients.
The National Health Service – NHS Choices provides a wealth of clear and concise information on a wide range of heath conditions and how to access NHS services. The service has garnered 55,000 Facebook ‘likes’ and almost 100,000 Twitter followers, allowing the NHS to disseminate information quickly and efficiently as well as receive useful feedback. This months quit smoking campaign, Stoptober, has also gained significant exposure thanks to social media activity, with 19,000 Twitter followers.
Data collection – social media updates have been used to track cholera or influenza in attempts to analyse how outbreaks spread and predict where they will travel to next. There is seemingly no end to the potential for social media to improve the data we have on medical conditions. The KPMG report on social media in healthcare states ‘as more users start sharing their healthcare experiences online, social media websites and the internet are expected to emerge as an important resource for making critical healthcare decisions.’
Emergency situations – victims and rescue teams following natural disasters very quickly recognised the advantages of sharing information on social media. To give just one recent example, after a 7.0 earthquake hit the Ya’an region of Sichuan Province, influential microbloggers harnessed the power of China’s extensive social media network to direct rescue operations to where they were most needed. Google China implemented a people search engine to connect missing friends and relatives as quickly as possible and users were also warned to avoid main roads to allow better access for rescue vehicles.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 11:34 PM
7 Terrific Time Saving Social Media Automation Tools that you have to use! - RazorSocial
Social Media Automation is essential. Here are 7 fantastic social media automation tools that you should be using.
Social Media Marketing is also so frustrating. There is no end to it. You never feel you have done enough. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The social media tools are maturing and getting more useful and there is more automation that is available. Here are 7 time saving social media automation tools:
Scoop.it search for Media - Today, 1:56 AM
The changing media landscape - Livemint
“The WMS aims to build an efficient platform for the global media to communicate with one another and pool collective wisdom,” says Xinhua. Fuzzy speak that says nothing about the state of press freedom in China.
Scoop.it search for Media - Today, 1:09 AM
Knock-out Combo for Social Media Success: USFCA, Scoop.it and a Hashtag
Google News search for Media - October 17, 8:37 PM
Why Glenn Greenwald's new media venture is a big deal - Washington Post (blog)
Washington Post (blog) Why Glenn Greenwald's new media venture is a big deal Washington Post (blog) Glenn Greenwald, who has published many of the most important scoops from the Edward Snowden leaks, is leaving The Guardian and setting up a new...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 9:30 PM
New tools for new movements: Using social media for civil good - euronews
New tools for new movements: Using social media for civil good euronews The following texts and multimedia elements are the product of a workshop of multimedia journalism at the European Youth Media Days that took place in Brussels on October 15-17...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 6:12 PM
Impressions: ACC Media Day - ESPN (blog)
Bleacher Report
Impressions: ACC Media Day
ESPN (blog)
Duke was the overwhelming choice to win the conference by media attending today's event. The Blue Devils garnered 50 first-place votes out of 54.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 4:57 PM
Schools respond to social media fury following fight on soccer field - The Journal News / Lohud.com
Schools respond to social media fury following fight on soccer field
The Journal News / Lohud.com
“I haven't seen (a social media directive) from a high school, but I've seen many, many company policies,” Van Elzen said.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 4:52 PM
East Timor leaders eye media curbs - Aljazeera.com
East Timor leaders eye media curbs Aljazeera.com Dili, East Timor - Media in this young democracy in Southeast Asia suffer from a lack of professionalism, accuracy, and ethics, argue proponents of new legislation that would punish journalistic...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 6:36 PM
When criminal acts go viral, social media changes the face of policing - NBCNews.com (blog)
When criminal acts go viral, social media changes the face of policing NBCNews.com (blog) In Boston, an avalanche of video and photos onto social media immediately after the two bombs went off on April 15 provided a mountain of evidence for...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 7:08 PM
Wasted Weeks: Media portray budget deal as Pyrrhic victory - Fox News
Boston Globe
Wasted Weeks: Media portray budget deal as Pyrrhic victory
Fox News
The media love Washington showdowns, and it's hard to imagine a more monumental one than flirting with Thursday's default deadline.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 3:46 PM
How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School - Edutopia
What would happen if social media were seen as a powerful tool rather than a threat to student learning? Schools and districts around the country are starting to put social media policies and guidel
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 5:33 PM
How health care consumers connect online
See how your patients get to know each other.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 7:11 PM
Business Blogging Case Study: Proof that Blogging Improves Website Traffic - Business 2 Community
Want to improve your company’s search engine optimization (SEO)? Start a business blog!
Our client, a manufacturer, did, and their website traffic from search engines is up 75%. Let’s take a look at what we did to get those results.
The Situation
Our client’s website was in rough shape prior to a 2011 website redesign. The new website was visible in search engines, but only for the products and services that the company decided to include on their website. While they saw a spike in website traffic when the website re-launched in 2011, visits from search engines plateaued because the website wasn’t updated on a regular basis.
After a website assessment and competitive report revealed that their competitors were getting more website visitors each month, we set a goal to close the gap within 12 months....
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 6:32 PM
Too Many Companies on Social Media? Almost Half Say Yes
A few months ago a report from YouGov reported a "large increase" in the number of UK consumers who had stopped using social media because they'd had enough of social media.
Another report in the US found consumers not liking the large number social workers on the Internet.
...The survey asked participants aged 16-54 to rate the extent of their agreement with the statement that there are too many companies involved in social networking. Within the US, almost half – 47.1% – of respondents who had been active on any type of social network in the previous 6 months indicated some level of agreement. Just 18.6% disagreed.....
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 6:50 PM
Real-Time Social Media Creative Marketing and PR
Real-time social media are transforming marketing and public relations. I recently visited two firms in Chicago that are responding to the need for speed within the flow of online conversationconversation.
...Content and storytelling are at the heart of how we help our clients build meaningful relationships with their audiences," said Mark Hass, president and CEO, Edelman U.S. Edelman's plan focuses on client partnerships with five U.S. newsrooms and one in the U.K.Edelman newsroom "trend spotters" identify trends and events, collaborate with account leaders and design creative concepts. Ideas are shared with clients, and then decisions are made about posting or not.Real-time PR and marketing content frequently is covered by traditional media -- television, radio, newspapers and magazines.
News organizations, too, are now in the business of conversation monitoring and engaging. In this sense, the news model shares with PR the goal of creating viral videos, flashy graphics, photographs, memes and other popular social media content. Everyone is competing for measurable engagement that may translate into new revenue....
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 3:52 PM
Are Companies Getting a Positive ROI From Social Media? - Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert
Some 38% of large consumer companies report a positive return on their social media investments, more than double the number of companies with a negative ROI (18%), according to a recent report by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).
However, 44% of consumer companies haven't yet measured the return on investment of their social media efforts: 32% haven't measured ROI but plan to, and 12% have no plans to measure the return.
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-If you like this scoop from The Marketing Technology Alert (brought to you by iNeoMarketing), PLEASE share by using the links below.
k_zehraa - October 17, 7:54 PM
tumblr_muf45dGOdH1r1aur4o1_500.gif (500x600 pixels)
RT @hmeyra_18: KRAL <3 #HappyBirthdayEminemFromTurey http://t.co/n3Qn7o4gA1
JeffreyKuehn - October 17, 7:54 PM
Oakland University men's basketball coach Greg Kampe enters 30th season
Photo gallery of OU men's hoops coach Greg Kampe's illustrious career. http://t.co/cK3r4fqOis
maider_love_1D - October 17, 7:54 PM
tumblr_mutd00g5zc1sk2tjxo1_500.gif (500x281 pixels)
RT @ElWillyDeNiall_: Zayn sabe como enamorar a un chica.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 6:44 AM
JJ Watt concise in Houston Texans media session - NFL.com
JJ Watt concise in Houston Texans media session
A four-game losing streak can have that effect on the game's best defensive player.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 7:53 AM
Election 2013: Media candidates ready to tackle borough issues - Delaware County Daily Times
Election 2013: Media candidates ready to tackle borough issues
Delaware County Daily Times
MEDIA — After a primary election with two full slates of Democrats, the general election for four council seats will take place with six candidates.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 7:27 AM
Cory Booker: the media-savvy mayor marching on Washington - The Guardian
The Guardian Cory Booker: the media-savvy mayor marching on Washington The Guardian The deccisive result s partly a reflection of how Booker has used his charismatic personality and media savvy to build extensive name-recognition in his state and...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 2:32 PM
When criminal acts go viral, social media changes the face of policing - NBCNews.com (blog)
When criminal acts go viral, social media changes the face of policing NBCNews.com (blog) In Boston, an avalanche of video and photos onto social media immediately after the two bombs went off on April 15 provided a mountain of evidence for...
DanielPetronel1 - October 17, 3:51 PM
Twitter / PCAthletics: Austin Croshere and Ed Cooley ...
RT @PCAthletics: Austin Croshere and Ed Cooley at Big East media day. #GoFriars http://t.co/9KZJ3jGobY
baekaboo - October 17, 3:51 PM
tumblr_musouzmlP91sctc2so5_250.gif (250x144 pixels)
sehyuk p-goon muh faka http://t.co/n8D2AS8bxi
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 10:21 AM
How Content Strategy and Content Marketing Are Separate But Connected
Find out more about how content strategy and content marketing are separate, but connected.
... One of the things that I often discuss in workshops, and with CMI’s clients, is the distinct need for content strategy within the approach of content marketing. Specifically, I point out how many agencies are doing themselves a disservice by throwing a skilled content marketing planning expert into a content strategy project, and vice versa. Additionally, as enterprise marketing organizations reorganize themselves with strategic management of content as a centralizing force, we see managers start to feel lost because they have a skill set that’s specifically suited to one practice over the other.
In short: Content strategy and content marketing are two very different practices.Are they related? Absolutely, and there’s usually significant overlap. But, as we all move into our budget and other planning for 2014, it’s well worth outlining where the differences lie, so that we can resource our strategies effectively....
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 12:13 PM
Should Doctors ‘Google’ Their Patients?
Beware of what you share. Employers now routinely utilize internet search engines or social network searches to obtain information about job applicants. A survey of 2,184 hiring managers and human resource professionals conducted by the online employment website CareerBuilder.com revealed that 39% use social networking sites to research job candidates. Of the group who used social networks to evaluate job applicants, 43% found content on a social networking site that caused them to not hire a candidate, whereas only 19% found information that that has caused them to hire a candidate. The top reasons for rejecting a candidate based on information gleaned from social networking sites were provocative or inappropriate photos/information, including information about the job applicants' history of substance abuse.
This should not come as a surprise to job applicants in the US. After all, it is not uncommon for employers to invade the privacy of job applicants by conducting extensive background searches, ranging from the applicant's employment history and credit rating to checking up on any history of lawsuits or run-ins with law enforcement agencies. Some employers also require drug testing of job applicants. The internet and social networking websites merely offer employers an additional array of tools to scrutinize their applicants. But how do we feel about digital sleuthing when it comes to relationship that is very different than the employer-applicant relationship – one which is characterized by profound trust, intimacy and respect, such as the relationship between healthcare providers and their patients?
The Hastings Center Report is a peer-reviewed academic bioethics journal which discusses the ethics of "Googling a Patient" in its most recent issue. It first describes a specific case of a twenty-six year old patient who sees a surgeon and requests a prophylactic mastectomy of both breasts. She says that she does not have breast cancer yet, but that her family is at very high risk for cancer. Her mother, sister, aunts, and a cousin have all had breast cancer; a teenage cousin had ovarian cancer at the age of nineteen; and that her brother was treated for esophageal cancer at the age of fifteen. She also says that she herself has suffered from a form of skin cancer (melanoma) at the age of twenty-five and that she wants to undergo the removal of her breasts without further workup because she wants to avoid developing breast cancer. She says that her prior mammogram had already shown abnormalities and she had been told by another surgeon that she needed the mastectomy.
Such prophylactic mastectomies, i.e. removal of both breasts, are indeed performed if young women are considered to be at very high risk for breast cancer based on their genetic profile and family history. The patient's family history – her mother, sister and aunts being diagnosed with breast cancer – are indicative of a very high risk, but other aspects of the history such as her brother developing esophageal cancer at the age of fifteen are rather unusual. The surgeon confers with the patient's primary care physician prior to performing the mastectomy and is puzzled by the fact that the primary care physician cannot confirm many of the claims made by the patient regarding her prior medical history or her family history. The physicians find no evidence of the patient ever having been diagnosed with a melanoma and they also cannot find documentation of the prior workup. The surgeon then asks a genetic counselor to meet with the patient and help resolve the discrepancies. During the evaluation process, the genetic counselor decides to ‘google' the patient.
The genetic counselor finds two Facebook pages that are linked to the patient. One page appears to be a personal profile of the patient, stating that in addition to battling stage four melanoma (a very advanced stage of skin cancer with very low survival rates), she has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She also provides a link to a website soliciting donations to attend a summit for young cancer patients. The other Facebook page shows multiple pictures of the patient with a bald head, suggesting that she is undergoing chemotherapy, which is obviously not true according to what the genetic counselor and the surgeon have observed. Once this information is forwarded to the surgeon, he decides to cancel the planned surgery. It is not clear why the patient was intent on having the mastectomy and what she would gain from it, but the obtained information from the Facebook pages and the previously noted discrepancies are reason enough for the surgeon to rebuff the patient's request for the surgery.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 2:56 PM
Google Launches Media Tools Website For Journalists - MarketingLand | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert
Google released a new site this week geared toward media outlets and journalists. The new site offers an extensive set of Google Media Tools, all neatly assembled into one place.
According to Google, the site is a “Starting point to tap into Google’s suite of digital tools that can enhance news gathering and exposure across television, radio, print and online.”
With overviews, tips, and “Getting Started” links for each tool, the website is arranged into six categories: Gather and Organize, Engage, Visualize, Publish, Develop and Additional Resources.
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-If you like this scoop from The Marketing Technology Alert (brought to you by iNeoMarketing), PLEASE share by using the links below.
suzlette333 - October 17, 3:31 PM
Guerrilla Journalism - bypassing the spin of billionaires and re:creating a new left media
image and text by Alison Parkes (also known as TurnLeft), post written exclusively for AIMN Guerrilla Journalism - from guerrilla warfare; small, mobile units, that are more independent and less do...
LAlbereta - October 17, 3:31 PM
Time of #foliage at L'Albereta and its vineyard, Vigna Leone | Facebook
Ho pubblicato 9 foto su Facebook nell'album "Time of #foliage at L'Albereta and its vineyard, Vigna Leone" http://t.co/99mHCIBHlw
jnthanalssndro - October 17, 3:31 PM
Twitter / Lakers: .@kobebryant talks to the Chinese ...
RT @Lakers: .@kobebryant talks to the Chinese media: http://t.co/yoL8VsGDvF
aliahme10948007 - October 17, 3:31 PM
How to Install Twitter Tweet button on website 99Medias
Installing Twitter tweet button on your website is very simple. Today it has become very necessary to put a twitter tweet button on your website.
Rawrsadoodle - October 17, 3:31 PM
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RT @LoveKaiDO: Sobs again and again via:exo_kaisoo
MSMUK - October 17, 3:31 PM
How Social Data Changes Everything We Know Abou...
For marketers, the rapid increase of social media usage is a great opportunity, but it also requires a shift in how to approach marketing. (How Social Data Changes Everything We Know Abou...
JDobypr1 - October 17, 11:17 AM
Media and Music Distribution In One
The H.Y.P.E. Magazine - News From Hip Hop to Hollywood!
EZTweeter101 - October 17, 11:17 AM
Black Hat SEO News: Why Social Media is Not Valued by Savvy CEOs
Blog: Why Social Media is Not Valued by Savvy CEOs http://t.co/3wOAVCsy7a
xhoranskiss - October 17, 11:17 AM
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RT @Pr0zac_Blu: "July 23. 2010. 8:22 PM"
Me: http://t.co/u1aaz0WSJn http://t.co/DXM42gAVNq
O m g http://t.co/V3nAWEQ5my
chriztomlinson - October 17, 11:17 AM
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@Ashton5SOS so i will dance when i follow!.... http://t.co/2Q1pJKWFAJ please follow me, pls pls ! #ash5sosfollowme xX67
Squiresjzt - October 17, 11:18 AM
we are social media company, we top up twitter followerz, instagram followers, facebook likes, and more, Visit : http://t.co/2hF8Hc4rAh
SenMikeLee - October 17, 4:40 AM
It Is Always Worth It to Do the Right Thing
Senator Mike Lee delivered remarks on the upcoming CR, debt limit, and Obamacare funding vote. (The media keeps asking, was it worth it?
allkpop - October 17, 7:02 AM
NH Media expands on details regarding Dongho's reason for leave | allkpop.com
After previously announcing the unfortunate news that Dongho will be leaving U-KISS, NH Media is offering a bit more insight as they expand on Dongho's reason for leave.[ (NH Media expands on details regarding Dongho's reason for leave
Google News search for Media - October 17, 4:10 AM
Hoops Central: Media Days Live - ESPN (blog)
Hoops Central: Media Days Live
ESPN (blog)
The college basketball regular season begins in just three weeks, and Wednesday marks the unofficial tipoff for four conferences holding their annual media day.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 4:27 AM
The Powerful Impact of Social Sharing & Content Marketing [Infographic]
How many marketers can pin down the impact of social media using hard numbers?
The following infographic, based largely on results from the Demand Gen Report 2013 B2B Content Preferences Survey and 2012 B2B Buyer Survey shows data to help answer that very important question.
Promoting content over social networks is now a vital part of getting a message in front of potential buyers, establishing thought leadership and making the most of content investments. That means understanding which social media channels are most appropriate for different campaigns, and it definitely means understanding how to optimize different types of content for your social campaigns.
Scoop.it search for Media - October 17, 6:10 AM
Advanced Social Media Marketing - Free eBook Share
eBook Free Download: Advanced Social Media Marketing | PDF, EPUB | ISBN: 1430244070 | 2012-12-05 | English | PutLocker
Google News search for Media - October 17, 3:08 AM
Comcast NBCU Mulls Another Media Review - Adweek
Comcast NBCU Mulls Another Media Review Adweek Comcast NBCU is talking to roster shops about possibly reviewing its media business again just two years after the media and entertainment giant split more than $1 billion in assignments among agencies...
Google News search for Media - October 17, 2:50 AM
Tiranos Temblad: Agustín Ferrando's new take on media - USA TODAY
Tiranos Temblad: Agustín Ferrando's new take on media
His take on media can captivate even the most cynical viewer, joyfully making the irrelevant relevant.
Google News search for Media - October 17, 2:44 AM
How Social Media Campaigns Will Change In 2014 |