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From www.marketingwise.ca - Today, 8:37 PM
Steps to to manage your content marketing workflow. A marketing strategy, an editorial calendar to manage assets and their distribution and analytics
Over the last year MarketingWise has blogged about the importance of creating a content marketing strategy and then implementing that strategy consistently throughout the sales cycle.Indeed, implementation is key and determining how to best leverage the content you create, manage your resources, be accountable to deadlines and facilitate collaboration are necessary steps.
Ugh!! This is an enormous undertaking. The importance of the content marketing workflow cannot be overstated – but how do you keep track and manage so many moving parts? How do you manage the full spectrum of the content marketing puzzle?
Don’t despair. If you take into consideration the four steps below, you will be able to manage your content marketing workflow much more easily and thoughtfully
As more people speak into their phones to search (ala Siri on the iPhone), Google had to adapt their formulas to allow for more complex, natural searches. Think of the difference between searching for “fast food” when typing into the search engine, versus “where can I find a quick, good meal in Houston?”
Google is relying much more heavily on the social cues the individual user sends to them. For example, if you’re signed into your Google+ account and have previously liked a certain restaurant, links to their website will more reliably show up in your search results. Likewise, those individuals you interact with the most on social networks will start impacting your results- the thought process here is that if you trust them, then you’ll likely agree with the things they like. When your friend ‘likes’ that cute little bistro in your town, the next time you search for a bistro, their ‘recommendation’ will come up reliably.
Cool but pricey...Remember that time when your smartphone camera just wasn’t good enough? That time when you wanted a picture that was just slightly better? You know, the time you lugged a pocket camera to your kid’s karate lesson or significant other’s colonoscopy. Well. Sony will soon have a product for you, friend!The Sony QX10 and QX100 are leaking from all corners of the Internet following their surprise appearance last month. The products are essentially two-thirds of a camera designed to connect to a smartphone wirelessly or through a dock. Sony has created a whole new system that replaces a phone’s camera with a new sensor and glass. For better or worse, of course.. |